Hover Setting



A monochrome frame of a cresent moon in the night sky next to vinyl sidings of a townhome mildly lit by street light juxtaposed alongside a monochrome frame with a silhouette of a crow on the roof a townhome on a bright sunny day
A monochrome frame of a townhome with dirty sidings on a cloudy moonlight night, lit by street light juxtaposed alongside a monochrome frame of a silhouette of man unloading roofing tiles from a crane onto a roof of a townhome on a bright sunny day
A monochrome frame of a leg and foot's silhouette stepping on the clouds through an alley created by two townhomes juxtaposed alongside a monochrome frame of an alley created by two townhomes paving a path to a bright overexpoxed sky
A frame of a dead brown stem and leaves peeking through a hole in the guardrails juxtaposed alongside a frame taken few months before of a living, growing bright green stem and leaves peeking through a hole in the guardrails

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